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Sleeping like a baby…


Remember the days when you could sleep at the drop of a hat? Sleep for days on end. Sleep like a baby. Sleep anywhere, anytime. Sleeping for 8 to 14 hours was a drop in the bucket. Sleep was not a challenge, but a restful adventure!

I sure do and I sure miss those days more than anything!

As life goes on and we age, sleep seems to become an ultimate challenge for millions of people! It can be challenging and quite frustrating, disrupting life for many and causing more issues than carter has pills!

For years I have been trying out pillows to help me sleep, while balancing my body, managing migraines and relieving back/neck/hip pain. To say it has been a challenge is an understatement!

In June of last year I discovered The Ralign Pillow on Instagram and it has been smooth sleep and dreams ever since! It was by pure coincidence it showed up in my feed and I am so thankful it did!

I cannot even begin to explain the gratitude I have for The Ralign Pillow company for giving me sleep back and FINALLY relieving back/neck/hip issues! Not to mention the relief it brings me when I have a migraine!

For those that struggle with sleep, back/neck/hip pain/etc. this is TRULY the game changer that you need in your life!

The company is based in Canada and their customer service is outstanding! This was my first time ever ordering anything from Canada, in which the experience was flawless with the exceptional customer service and communication!

I must admit, I was a little concerned with ordering out of the states, shipping, return policy, etc. As I am definitely a person that likes that guarantee if anything goes wrong, I want the customer service and return process to be simple and not an all-out war to resolve!

But, with deep diving into the company, chatting with customer service, reading reviews, reviewing their FAQ’s, shipping info, etc. I felt good about pulling the trigger and SO happy I did! There was no issues, packaged perfectly, super quick ship time and excellent follow up customer service!

My sleeping has improved 100% with the relief of pain to my neck, back and hip becoming minimum to none! Not to mention the relief that it brings me when I am suffering through a migraine is phenomenal!

There are so many ways to sleep with this pillow, it’s quite remarkable! I believe its design is so miraculous to suit all body types, issues, etc. that the possibilities are endless!

It is a trial and error to find out the best way to sleep with the pillow. But when you find the way it works for you, it will be heaven on earth with a sound and peaceful sleep awakening you in the morning!

At the moment you could order on Amazon in the states, but you will NOT be able to get the color choices of pillow case colors and you will have to PAY for shipping.

But you can directly order through their website {The Ralign Pillow} in which they are offering FREE shipping to USA and Canada! Also, you will be able to choose your pillow case color (my favorite is the pink!) and it is like velvety butter!

Below is my full in depth review of the The Ralign Pillow and if you are looking for the game changing experience in your personal sleep and pain…THIS IS IT!!!

And if you want the icing on your sleep…I HIGHLY recommend the SLEEP Pillow Spray from Sackys Thyme to put your sleep into pure bliss! It is an all natural sleep aid “formulated to help you fall asleep faster and drift off more quickly, this mist ensures you wake up feeling refreshed and energized.”

Here is my complete review on The Ralign Pillow!

This pillow is EVERYTHING!!! Sleep, back/neck/hip issues & migraines helped 100%!

I cannot begin to express the wonders of The Ralign Pillow!!! I originally discovered them on Instagram and experienced the best customer service by direct messaging them with some questions! I worked with Frankie and his team and because of their outstanding service I tried the pillow!

I suffer from sleep, back/neck/hip issues & migraines and I have tried so many pillows over the past 20 years that I can’t even count how many! But again, because of their outstanding service, I thought why not try another one! They were very positive that this experience would be different for me and they were 100% correct!!! 

The shipping time was incredibly quick being in the US, package perfectly, and the wonders of this pillow are unbelievably amazing!  It is the first time that I have been able to get sound sleep and not wake up in excruciating pain! 

The uniqueness of this pillow is the way it holds/cradles your head and neck. The memory foam of the pillow forms to you and lets you sleep comfortably on your back, on either side or stomach. I have slept in all different positions with this pillow and it is remarkable how it manages to position your body and relieve pain throughout your body.

This pillow has also been a godsend with my migraines. With the many different ways I can position my head/neck with the pillow and fight through the migraine is remarkable and relieves so much pressure! It TRULY reduces my time of migraines in combination with medicine, rest & quietness. 

Since purchasing and receiving of June 2023, I have never been without it! I sleep with it every night, I travel with it and will never need another pillow! The relief this pillow has brought me throughout my whole entire body with a huge focus on my back, neck and hips has been truly unbelievable!

This pillow has changed not only my physical life, but my mental health life! It has given me relief in my body, peace throughout my sleep and over all better mind set! I’m a firm believer in a good nights sleep is everything and this pillow is EVERYTHING!!!! 

I cannot recommend The Ralign Pillow enough and promise it is a true game changer and there is NOTHING on the market like this pillow! They nailed it & perfected this pillow and it will change your life for the better! -kourture aka Kourtney K Piekarczyk

Please note…*I wrote this blog/review on my experience with The Ralign Pillow and wrote it for the pure love of the pillow, the company and to help others get a goodnight sleep with relief of body pain! I was not compensated to share this information in any way and as always I like to be 100% transparent!

The Amazon link does link to my Amazon Associates Account, which means: This post contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission, at no cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.}

But, I would recommend purchasing directly through The Ralign Pillow for the most cost-effective experience! And be sure to follow them on Facebook and Instagram!

And don’t forget to check out Sacksy Thyme for the SLEEP Pillow Spray and all the other AMAZING goodness they offer! From linen eye pillows, heating pads, candles, bath, essential oils to more! They are ULTIMATE experience in self care & wellness! And be sure to follow them on Facebook & Instagram!

Until next time…

-kkp {xo}