Who’s teasing me now…survived the pandemic like a champ!
Who can forget the pandemic of 2020 and how devasting was that?!? Who would have thought and seen that coming?!?
I for one will never forget the week of March 9th 2020!
I was at Costco in Oakbrook shopping for my clients and I was in disbelief as I entered and wondered what was happening on this early Tuesday morning with the extreme amounts of people in the store!
Usually a Tuesday morning does not look like an insane Saturday at the Costco and I was completely overwhelmed with the amount of people and wondering why were people loading flat beds of toilet paper, paper towels, etc. like the world was ending?!? Not to mention the craziness of these people and fighting each other to get the goods!
I remember going through the store thinking…”What is wrong with these people and how much toilet paper/paper towels does one need?!?” But, I went on my business and just thought there must be something going on in town that I am unaware of.
I would have never thought that on March 15th the world would shut down and toilet paper and paper towels would become like gold and a needle in the haystack!
As the world shut down and I received word that I would be able to continue working (being an essential worker), the calls rolled in from frantic clients.
Sadly, as I had always tried to teach people the value of “staying ahead” with the essentials, became a shocking reality to them that they were not going to have enough!
Then the hunger games began and I had to shop smart, diligently and find the goods for clients…sometimes spending absorbents amount of money to get the essentials!
Luckily that time is over for all of us!
Which leads me to emphasize to others the importance of learning the art of shopping and always being proactive and prepared in the home with saving money in the long run!
Following my blog and socials will show all of my tips and tricks in how to accomplish this and give you the peace of mind of never having to relieve the hunger games for toilet paper/paper towels/essentials!
Until next time…
-kp {xo}