The Art of Thrifting…

I was so incredibly blessed to grow up in a household with my Dad working 6 1/2 days to support my Mom and I; so she could stay home and raise me with the endless 24/7 job of taking care of the home, family and all the countless other things that a Mom does!

I learned early on the importance of making the most of your money!

My Mom is truly the MASTER at shopping, budgeting and always finding a way to make things work!

With being in a blue collar family, making the dollar stretch was essential! So, my Mom taught me very early on how to budget money and get the most for the dollar!

Designer brands was not an option, in which my Mom showed me how much money we had to spend and how much I could get. She showed me that I could get 1 or 2 designer options or if we went “treasure hunting” aka thrifting or economical stores…that 1 or 2 could turn in to 15 to 20 items!

I caught on real quick LOL and I was off and running and learning how to become a master at the art of treasure hunting! The amount of goods we would find with brand new tags, never worn clothing, etc. was endless! And those designer brands I was dreaming of, were found here and there and I had more than I could ever imagine and wish for!

As life rolled on, I learned where the best treasures could be found, best pricing, tons of new with tags on clothing, shoes, purses, etc. and built an empire of clothing, shoes, purses, accessories, etc.

Some look down upon the art of thrifting and I often hear…”Oh I would never!”. And to that I say…to each’s own and I will forever be greatful to my Mom for teaching me this invaluable skill!

Until next time…

-kkp {xo}


about kourture aka Kourtney K Piekarczyk…

Kourtney K Piekarczyk is the creator of kourture and is a lifestyle organizer taking the glitter & leaving a trail of her footprints to create, share & inspire!

kourture is a vision of a glowing healthy lifestyle with a focus on organization for home, life & personal; with her passion for health, skincare, fashion, coffee and writing.

Follow my blog at | And socials: | |

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Who’s teasing me now…survived the pandemic like a champ!


Fashion: Always Mixing and Matching…