Tiny House Nation…
Now I would love to say that picture is our “Tiny House Nation”, but it is definitely not lol but so wish I did have that little nook in our place!
I think that is the number one question I am always asked when I am speaking of organization and refer to my home as “Tiny House Nation”.
As I always forget that many do not know that terminology and are always a little caught off guard when I refer to it so often when speaking of space restrictions.
I will say Tiny House Nation has taught me how to take my beloved belongings and work them into a very small, tight and cramped space. It is by far my most favorite project and can show one…that anything is possible!
We moved from a 3 flat which had 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, large kitchen, 2 full bathrooms with 2 utility closets and a linen closet. Moving into a typical Chicago 2 bedroom with living room, small kitchen, 1 full bathroom and small linen closet has been a challenge to say the least.
It has required alot of creative thinking and placement with having to utilize a public storage to hold all of my holiday decorations and extras. Many will learn I am a huge holiday decorator and celebrate all the holidays and seasons.
Many have asked why I just wouldn’t down size and get rid of my stuff. My answer is simple…I am not dying and my belongings & nicknacks are sentimental and I have a lifetime of memories from my parents & grandparents that I love! So, because of those reasons and “Tiny House Nation” is not forever…I will make it work!
I also like to remind people that if the shoe was on the other foot for them and someone forced them to get rid of most of their belongings and give up their homes and fit it in a shoebox…I think the tune might change :).
There will be so much more to come on my sharing of “Tiny House Nation” and I hope to share my creativity to inspire others!
Here is a glimpse of taking the one bedroom that I utilized as storage when we moved in (yup made the living room a Sex and the City bedroom due to not planning on entertaining here) and transformed it into our bedroom.
After…sadly I overlooked my husband had been on the bed prior and pillows are not perfect..but for now you get the idea. And the bedroom has transformed again since I created this and will be sharing soon in the future.
Until next time…
-kkp {xo}