Email overload?
That little “ping” that seems to continually go off throughout all hours of the day and night…. “You’ve got mail”!
It can be overwhelming and quite hard to manage all of the email overload that constantly is flooding our email inboxes daily!
Many have one or two emails for all of their correspondence…which can be flooded with hundreds of emails that will become unmanageable! The sad reality is important emails may get overlooked, missed, unanswered, etc. because there were just too many emails to filter through.
I have helped many clients over the years with their '“email overload issues” and it is not as hard to get organized as one may think! It just takes a little time, organization skills and patience to filter and organize all the information flooding one’s email inbox!
The starting point to manage one’s email overload is to create multiple email accounts. I recommend creating at least 3 email accounts. One for main emails (Primary), second for advertisements/sales/etc. (Businesses) and third for miscellaneous/junk emails (Miscellaneous).
The first email account should be for your important emails aka your “Primary Email”…such as banking, personal accounts, personal services, purchases, subscriptions, travel, etc. When you have one specific email for the important emails, you won’t miss or overlook important information that you actually need!
Being a lifestyle organizer, I also highly recommend setting up folders to organize and create calmness & clarity in your email inbox. I do not recommend housing all the emails in the “inbox”. I understand the “search” function…but many times I find that the “search function” overlooks emails directly in my email box. I then still have to take the time to go through and “look” for the email. This causes unnecessary time waste and aggravation in one’s life!
I personally create multiple folders within the main folder to keep track of the information and for future quick reference. It all depends how organized you would like to get your life with saving time!
A good example of folders looks something like this…
Checking Account
Savings Account
Checking Account
Savings Account
Checking Account
Savings Account
kourture Folder
Social Media
Travel Folder
The second email I suggest is for advertisements/sales/etc. aka your “Businesses Email”. Whether that is products you like, stores you like, businesses you like, restaurants, grocery stores, etc. I recommend having one sole account dedicated to this.
This should not include businesses that you regularly shop with and order from. This is intended for signing up with companies to get discounts, future purchases, frequented restaurants/grocery stores/etc. Remember, if you decide to do business with a company, you can always change the “email account” to your primary email account once committed.
This emails sole purpose is to “house” the things you are interested in and utilize. As places you have accounts with and need to keep track of orders, purchases, etc. (i.e. Amazon, eBay, Ulta, Sephora, Costco, Nordstrom, etc.) should be kept separate in your “Primary email account”, not the “Businesses email account”.
The reason you don’t want to have your personal accounts mixed with this particular email account is to control the email overload and keep things organized. When you need to find something quickly on an order, purchase, etc. you need to be able to go directly to the email folder and find it! It shouldn’t be an all-out event to go through millions of emails to find what you are looking for.
A good example of folders looks something like this…
Cosmetics Folder
Grocery Stores Folder
Home Goods Folder
Restaurant Folder
RX Savings Folder
Skincare Folder
You can get more organized by adding subfolders to the folders of the particular stores, restaurants, etc. to find your emails faster. Again, it all depends on how much organization you would like to create with time savings.
The third email I suggest is for all other information aka “Miscellaneous Email”. This email account should be used for “sign up here” to get a discount, anything that you don’t need to see immediately and really the overflow of junk email aka “not urgent”.
I personally use this one for people who ask me to sign up for emails, things I would like to look/review further when I have time, stuff I am interested in, Instagram/Facebook ads, etc. This email will free up your other two emails and can be used as an email to review when you have time.
This particular email I do not create folders for. This email account I just use the search function if I need to find something in specific. But mainly it’s an email account for me to review when I have time.
Organizing your emails can be a very large task, but it will definitely be worth it in the long run! If time is an issue, consider hiring an organizer and they will be able to tackle the task for you in no time!
This is a task that you can use a remote organizer for and there is no need to have them physically come to you. It’s really a win win for all!
If this is a service you could use in your life…feel free to contact me and discuss further! I would love to be able to help you get your emails organized with creating more time in your life for you!
Until next time…
-kkp {xo}